Season of by-products of cod have started. Mainly producing soft cod roe, and stomach of cod.
We have started cod roe production. We can offer, fresh, frosen, and sugar/salted. Please let us know your requirements.
Wet salted cod production have started. Please feel free to contact us for offers.
Whitefish season has started. Good landings off cod.
Mackerel available, Scomber japonicus, scomber scombrus. We also have horse mackerel available.
Frozen By-products of Haddock available from Oct. 2010.
New products of Arctic King Crab available. Arctic Blue Seafood group is introducing 3 new unique products. Canned Merus, Patè and meat. Please contact us for spesific info.
Season of lumpishroe have started, we are in position to offer limited quantities to our customers for 2010 season.
Arctic Blue have newly established a factory to do all valueadded production. for the season 2009/2010.
We are now in position to make the most competetive prices from Norway on following products of king crab.
Merus, shell on, shell off, splitted.
single legs, splitted, shell on.
peeled meat
We do all possible products of king crab based on request, in addition to the traditionally products. dont hesitate contacting us.
Arctic Blue have sold their ownership in Arctic Blue Vardø AS.
We have now established a new landing plant in combination with the new established factory. efta – F 196 NO.
Test production have started on our new king crab factory.
New king crab factory established, Arctic Blue Vardø efta- F 158 NO.
New King crab season
We have started the new king crab season. New for this season is that
we in addition to Live by air offer fresh cooked products by air shipment
New product : Ecoligical smoked salmon available from first week of August.
Low activity and landings of fresh Cod and Haddock, holiday for 4 weeks at
the main whitefish factories.
Sales office in Netherlands have holiday for 2 weeks, pls contact Arctic Blue in Norway.
First part of the Greenland halibut season finished. Overall higher average size than last year. J-cut tail off, all sold out, some minor quantitiies of N-cut, tail on avaialble.
Production of fresh norway fjord mussels, Mytilus edulis starts next week.
Various grading MAP; Jutebags and polybox avaialble due to request.
Arctic Blue starter produksjon av ferske blåskjell i MAP og jutesekker i Ålesund.
Produksjonslinjen er på plass i uke 17 og vi starter leveringene til BeNeLux og Frankrike i slutten av April. I tillegg til egen produksjon har vi langsiktige avtaler på levering av råstoff til anlegget fra Sogn til Nordkapp.
21 Februar 2007
Ved generalforsamling i Arctic Blues hovedkontorer på Sortland ble Knut Jensen valgt til styreformann etter Willy Steffensen som har vært styreformann siden omstruktureringen i 2004.
20 Februar 2007.
It have been perfect winterweather in the northern part of Norway the last days, with cold temperatures, clear sky and some sun.
Arctic Blue har opprett salgskontor i Nijmegen, Nederland
Januar 2007
Arctic Blue LTD. I Russland er opprettet, med avdelingskontor i Murmansk.